
Symbols are used to mark map locations that are read from the data file, and also to mark locations that are selected by clicking on a map location or a row in the table. mapdata includes 93 different symbols, and additional symbols can be loaded when a configuration file is read, or can be imported using the File menu.

Most of the built-in symbols are 16x16 bitmaps, and are shown in the table below. In addition to the 16x16 bitmaps, the ball, block, circle, and square symbols also have versions based on 20x20, 24x24, and 28x28 bitmaps. The q1, q2, q3, and q4 symbols also have versions based on 20x20 bitmaps. The names of those symbols have the bitmap size as a suffix (e.g., “circle24”).

Other bitmaps that are added may be of any size. Custom bitmaps must be specified in the X bitmap format.

The built-in symbols are:

symb_anchor anchor

symb_ball ball

symb_ball_small ball_small

symb_binoculars binoculars

symb_bird bird

symb_block block

symb_block_sm block_small

symb_bkmk bookmark

symb_camera camera

symb_cancel cancel

symb_car car

symb_center8 center8

symb_checkbox checkbox

symb_circle circle

symb_cir_bar circle_bar

symb_cir_plus circle_plus

symb_cir_x circle_x

symb_clock clock

symb_darkeye darkeye

symb_dep deposition

symb_dll diag_ll

symb_dlr diag_lr

symb_dul diag_ul

symb_dur diag_ur

symb_diamond diamond

symb_donkey donkey

symb_drop drop

symb_elephant elephant

symb_eye eye

symb_fish fish

symb_flag flag

symb_hand hand

symb_heart heart

symb_hid hidden

symb_hrgls hourglass

symb_house house

symb_info info

symb_leaf leaf

symb_mine mine

symb_pennant pennant

symb_photo photo

symb_picnic picnic

symb_plus plus

symb_q1 q1

symb_q1_notch q1_notch

symb_q2 q2

symb_q2_notch q2_notch

symb_q3 q3

symb_q3_notch q3_notch

symb_q4 q4

symb_q4_notch q4_notch

symb_qmk_circ qmark_circle

symb_rain raincloud

symb_rose rose

symb_square square

symb_star star

symb_surp surprise_circle

symb_target target

symb_trash trash

symb_tree tree

symb_tri triangle

symb_tri_o triangle_open

symb_whch wheelchair

symb_vapor vapor

symb_wave wave

symb_wedge wedge

symb_x x

symb_0 0

symb_1 1

symb_2 2

symb_3 3

symb_4 4

symb_5 5

symb_6 6

symb_7 7

symb_8 8

symb_9 9

symb_10 10

If any new symbol that is imported from a configuration file or loaded from the File / Import symbol menu has the same name as any of these built-in symbols, the built-in symbol will be replaced.

When there are multiple data rows at a single location, the symbols for those data rows will overwrite one another. If the data rows at a single location are distinguishable in some way (e.g., by date or depth), then data rows may be assigned different symbols. Some combinations of symbols are well-suited to be overlain without obscuring one another. Some of these combinations are:

  • For two categories: circle and ball_small, and square and block_small.

  • For four categories: q1, q2, q3, and q4.

  • For five categories: q1_notch, q2_notch, q3_notch, q5_notch, and center8.

Other combinations of symbols only partially overlap one another, and so may also be suitable for use when overplotting of symbols will occur.

Using distinct colors, as well as distinct symbols, for different categories will also help to clarify where data rows have been overlain on the map.